Right to information Act, 2005
Right to information Act, 2005 An overview - 2012 - 847-854
Like the consumer protection act, the Right to Information ACt is assuming importance and significance day by day. The right guaranteed under the RTI Act is considered as aweapon to expose those who are negligent in performing their public dutiesand to nail down the corrupt officials. The scope of this right as interpreted by the courts is outlined in this article.
Right to information Act, 2005 An overview - 2012 - 847-854
Like the consumer protection act, the Right to Information ACt is assuming importance and significance day by day. The right guaranteed under the RTI Act is considered as aweapon to expose those who are negligent in performing their public dutiesand to nail down the corrupt officials. The scope of this right as interpreted by the courts is outlined in this article.